Sunday, December 27, 2009

Daily 5 - Day 137

Today's Daily "5":
  1. Turkey Chili for lunch at mom and dad's
  2. A blog redesign
  3. Listening to the personalized mix cd that was part of J.'s Christmas gift to me while I worked on the blog this afternoon - loving the music on it!
  4. Watching the movie "Bedtime Stories" with Mom and Dad tonight - I'm increasingly a fan of funny, creative, imagination inspiring kid's movies.
  5. Thankful for a car that is still getting me from place to place safely
  6. Incredibly thankful that I am still off of work for another week
  7. Loving checking out photos of friends Christmases on blogs or facebook - especially a few friends who were celebrating the first Christmases for their new little ones
  8. playing simple games on facebook
  9. grateful for the healing in my relationship with my parents that is letting me truly enjoy all the time we've been spending together
  10. sipping a cup of mango rooibos tea
  11. 137 days of writing lists of things that make me smile... it's crazy to think I've been doing this that long!