Friday, November 06, 2009

Daily 5 - Day 86

I apparently am having some trouble with this whole quiet Friday night to rest and catch up on Grey's Anatomy scenario. I got home from work to discover that the internet in our house is down. Again. So, I'm borrowing internet at mom and dad's again, and then I'm going shopping with my mom for a while before I head for home.

In the meantime, here's today's daily 5 (or so):

  1. leftover frittata for dinner
  2. knowing that I'm going home to a freshly washed towel, freshly washed sheets, and freshly washed pajamas
  3. plans to try a new cookie recipe later (with almonds, which apparently I'm supposed to eat more of)
  4. plans for a glass of red wine when I get home later
  5. wearing jeans to work today
  6. a quiet day at the office, where it didn't matter that my brain was less than fully awake (that is something to definitely be grateful for)
  7. I'm grateful that, despite all the sickness floating around the office, I've managed to avoid it thus far.
  8. getting an email telling me that my U2 tickets have been printed and are on their way to me
  9. I'm thankful that my parents live nearby and I can "borrow" their internet signal while we're trying to sort the issues with mine out.
  10. I'm thankful that this time my internet provider is sending someone to theoretically fix the problem by tomorrow afternoon. (Not holding my breath on that... but thankful for a next day appointment this time.)