Wednesday, September 02, 2009

New Month (Day Two)

I was busy yesterday. Not that that's a bad thing, but I missed my usual celebration of newness with the first of the month.

In this case, I'm quite excited, because September brings fall, and this year I'm looking forward to fall.

I'm beginning to feel like, after nearly two years, I'm finally emerging from some things that have weighed heavily and had many consequences in my life.

I never look forward to fall, but this year I find myself eagerly anticipating the change of season.

I was listening to a worship song from Jesus Culture this morning that quotes a line from Song of Solomon "Winter is past and the springtime has come."

I'm feeling a bit this year like the change in season to fall holds the springtime promise in my journey with God that I've been waiting for for a long time, through what has felt like the perpetual winter of Narnian lore.

I'm excited, and feeling joy growing within me again, and peace. I'm also totally overwhelmed at moments by the newness and rapid changes Jesus is throwing my way, but loving them mostly.

I'm learning to really take pleasures in the simplest of blessings.

In meeting and spending an evening cuddling with the one month old baby of some friends last night.

In catching up with her mom, while she slept on my chest.

In sharing dinner with a friend.

In a truly ridiculous dream this morning, that left me with nothing to do but laugh.

It's a new day. And (a day into) a new month. With the promise of a new season.

One of my favorite passages in Isaiah reads, "See, I am doing a new thing... do you not perceive it?"

I wrote of that to some friends recently, and closed with the comment, "I think I'm beginning to perceive it."