Monday, September 21, 2009

Daily 5 - Day 41

Painted Lady on the riseImage by Vicki's Nature via Flickr

Today's Daily 5 (and a picture, just because I loved it):
  1. Grocery shopping trip to the "soul-sucking mega store" that was far more peaceful than usual
  2. A simple but delicious dinner of turkey souvlaki kebabs and coleslaw
  3. Finally managing to warm up, after grocery shopping (I was absolutely freezing all day. Nothing I did to get warm at either home or the office worked... but somehow, after groceries, I was warm. go figure. especially given my great love of grocery shopping!)
  4. A truly ridiculous laugh over a blogthings quiz (see my previous post)
  5. Making trip plans for next month with my roommate and realizing a new that the much needed and longed for vacation really is going to happen!