Saturday, August 08, 2009


Well, if my purchases of the last few days are any indication, I'm slowly starting to dream of travel again.

Some of you will know that I have been hesitant to dream about the trips that have been on my heart, thanks to the many challenges of the last few years.

But last weekend's jaunt to Kelowna underscored a few needs in my travel supplies department, and I've spent some birthday money to accommodate those needs.

I bought this and this today. My current pack is about half the size of the new one, really too small for more than an overnight trip. My current day pack is about half the size of the new one, and too small for trips when I need more than a very small waterbottle and a book or two. This one will accommodate river trips and such when I also need to pack a towel, and bathing suit or so forth.

In the last few days I also bought a few other travel related items. Things that will make it easier for me, whether I'm traveling overnight, or for longer periods of time.

Apparently traveling is becoming a possibility in my head again. Hmm... that's going to require some pondering....