Image by Dia™ via Flickr
This was a wild and crazy day within my heart, on the heels of a wild and crazy week. I just sent a long email to a dear friend detailing some of the things going on within me, and it took nearly an hour to write those thoughts out...
But it was a beautiful day, and good...
So, here's today's daily 5:
- the surprise in the way God started speaking, catching me totally off guard, while I was at church tonight
- an iced passion tea lemonade, and Macdonalds (one a typical beverage for when I need to pray, the other comfort food) consumed while I processed those things
- a tour of a cemetery, and hearing some stories of the origins of Calgary
- Hosea 2:14-16, 19-20, 23 NLT
- Accomplishing some very necessary errands so that our home can truly begin to feel settled and like "home"
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