Thursday, July 09, 2009

The kind of day...

I've been flipping back and forth for a while now, staring at a blank blogger screen and wondering what to write.

It was the kind of day where I (quite enjoyably) briefly bumped into a friend I hadn't seen since we graduated from high school eight years ago.

It was the kind of day where the last little coincidences that I wanted to encounter where the ones I came face to face with.

It was the kind of day where mid-way through an attempt at a yoga workout I was interrupted, and I never quite made it back to it.

It was the kind of day where there were moments when I felt totally helpless and incompetent at my company, small and petty even.

And the kind of day where there were moments when I knew that I could excel at, and maybe sometimes even love my job.

It was the kind of day where I listened to the audio here (and read the essay) and remembered how life-shaping the essay author's book was. And how that book was the background for a trip that in some ways still has much left unfinished, unsettled, and uncertain.

It was the kind of day where I traded emails with several different people.

The kind of day where I came home from work and did some organizing, sorting and cleaning.

And the kind of day where one memory was just too poignant, and (after a bit of discussion with a friend) I made the decision to tuck the physical reminder of it in a drawer for the time being.

It is the kind of day where I'm sitting in bed before 10 pm, with music softly playing.

Where I'll read a little, and pray a little, and then hopefully sleep.