Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not a good sick person

I am not a good sick person. One of those gracious people who never mentions how ill they're feeling, and still manages to work miracles. One of those people who will never let anything keep them down, or from doing something on their schedule.

I'd rather stay in bed.

I subscribe to the idea that if you're sick, don't come to the office, so that I don't get sick.

(I'm ignoring that idea today.)

I've been fighting an oncoming cold with massive doses of vitamins and the attempt to get more rest for the last couple of weeks. There've been people at work sick, and one of my roommates has been sick, and I've just generally been surrounded by the sorts of germ-laden people that the long winters here tend to produce. I thought I had this one held well at bay. I was wrong.

I woke up this morning to find that the cold has settled in with a vengeance. I'm achy and have chills. I have a headache. My throat is sore, and my nose is stuffed up. It's hard to draw breath, and my ribcage hurts from the dry, hacking cough that has also settled in.

And all in all, I'm wishing I was in bed.

Just before I finish whining, did I mention that I'm not a good sick person?