Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Like a sponge?

I was wondering this morning, as I drove to work, and tried to pray, to talk with Jesus about a number of concerns of my own heart, and a number of concerns for friends and family who are struggling, if other people have the same problem I have, or if the way my heart cares is something unique to me.

My heart tends to be like a sponge - I absorb all the pain and toxins of my own life, and all of that from those I love. I'm getting better all the time at not carrying those things within myself, but I wondered, as my heart broke again today, if this is something unique to me?

I actually pick and choose social engagements depending on who will be there, and how susceptible my heart is to them.

Don't get me wrong, I don't avoid people whom my heart loves. I just find myself incredibly concious of what I absorb, and what that has done to my energy levels in a year where I've struggled with health.

I guess I'm just feeling a bit toxic this morning. Lots of my own pain, and recent and forthcoming encounters with those I care about.

And I wondered if others struggle with this as well...