Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday - Little Things

It's the little things, you know?

The little things that I'm thinking about tonight.

About how, a few weeks ago, I heard Jesus speak love to me through the voice of my dad. I was showing my parents a lovely new coat I'd purchased, that I was very excited about. I'd bought it because, when I looked at it in the mirror, I felt elegant. A particular word and description were stored in my mind, a secret feeling of beauty. No one could have known that word. I hadn't told anyone. And yet, as my dad complimented the coat, he used that word to describe it. And I heard in his voice, the whisper of Jesus saying "you really are beautiful."

About a moment last night, when the voice of another friend confirmed something I thought I'd heard Jesus say. I was purchasing a gift for a friend, wondering if she'd like it, but a particular word was associated with it immediately when I saw the item in the store, and that word meant something, so I went ahead and purchased the item. Later in the evening, I was showing my roommate and her fiancee the item. Her fiancee immediately used the word I'd "heard" when I'd first seen the item to describe it. It made me smile to hear God's whisper to me, his encouragement to pray, in the words of another.

I'm thinking about less serious little things too.

About taking control, and being proactive in the attempt to see some changes in my life.

About eating peanut M & M's. I feel that they must be eaten in a specific color order, though this order varies based on my mood. You always eat the ugliest or most boring color first, and the prettiest color last. Blue is always the prettiest color, with red the second prettiest. The order varies from there depending on my mood.

I haven't watched the innauguration address yet - I guess that's more of a big thing. But I'm planning to do that shortly here.

I have, however, in the last few days, enjoyed two older movies that always make me smile. The American President, and Sabrina (the version with Harrison Ford.)

It was nice to eat a properly home-cooked meal tonight. I made baked chicken breasts, and roasted baby potatoes, and peas.

Little things like sales on items that are a bit of a luxury, but are justifiable on sale.

Little things like three pure white candles, that smell like spring, lit most evenings on my dresser, near where I sit to read and write and think and rest and pray.

And little things like Anne Lamott's "bird by bird" story. I'm reading her book of that title right now, and I love the story that gives it the title - you should pick the book up and read it.

I told a friend the other night that that's my current motto. That for a while, I'm just going to take life "bird by bird".

Tonight I'm glad for the little things.