Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Practical Thoughts

My heart is still uneasy. Tears are close to the surface, and my heart aches and prays and longs. (I'll probably write about that later.)

For the moment, though, here are some practical things:

I'm concerned about the fact that I need to get my roommate to the airport for 8:00 tonight. It took me nearly 2 hours to drive home yesterday (it normally takes 3o -40 minutes). If that happens tonight, we won't make it to the airport in time.

It's only been two weeks, but I'm already tired of the cold and snow. I am definitely (despite being born and raised in this ridiculous climate) a fair weather kind of lady.

As much as I hate public transit, if this weather keeps up, I might go back to taking the train. I'll drive to the train station and go from there. It's got to be better than sitting in stop and go traffic in the snow for 2 hours. (That said, the practical part of my brain is also reminding me of the many transit weather delays over the years.)

I'm exausted again. The weight of the things making my heart uneasy, and driving me to pray has been heavy again this week, and sleep has been even more fleeting than usual. Once I get home from the airport run tonight, I'm going straight to bed. Or at least to curl up in bed and do semi-relaxing things. Or maybe just to sit quietly in my candle lit bedroom and pray.