Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday Morning Frustrations

I woke from a dream again this morning. This one was more of a working out of ongoing frustrations with my current living situation, and was thankfully in some ways less intense than many of the crazy spiritual dreams I've been having on such a regular basis lately.

However, it was still very real, and left me frustrated and angry and working to separate actual reality from that which I'd dreamt.

So, I decided to take out the frustrations in the most positive way I could think of, and I've spent the morning cooking and cleaning. Our kitchen floor (which had been, to use one of my roommate's words, very "grubby") is now immaculate. The kitchen counters have been scrubbed and tidied. The clean dishes have been put away, and the dirty dishes are in the dishwasher, which is now running. I baked scones (or maybe they're biscuits - my terminology for baking has become hopelessly confused after months of living with two New Zealanders who have a different word for every sort of baking.) The living room has been tidied, and so has my bedroom. The bathroom has been cleaned, and I've done a load of laundry.

This afternoon I'm going to visit my parents for a bit, get gas for George, and probably settle in for a while with a Bible, book and journal and just read. I'm attending a church service tonight, and then possibly going out afterwards for a bit to spend some time with my youngest brother. The plan for tomorrow is rest, and maybe a few errands.

But, all that cleaning has at least resulted in a somewhat improved mood from that which I woke in, and the ability to laugh a bit at life again. Plus, my house looks greatly improved.