Sunday, September 07, 2008

Smile List - September 7 Edition

Here is the list of things making me smile today. The things I love, and am thankful for.
  • hot pink crocs that were a Christmas gift from my brothers a few years back, and that I pulled out of my closet this morning to use as convenient shoes to keep by our back door for tramping to and from the back yard and garbage bins in the alley.
  • cozy Winnie the Pooh slipper socks
  • the smell of banana bread baking in my kitchen
  • a morning of enjoying the house to myself while my roommates are at church and running errands
  • an unexpected phone call from a friend who was part of a really hard conversation a week ago, wanting to know how I was doing, how my heart was, and "was I choosing life?"
  • a long list of things that I've accomplished around our house this morning, including, baking, washing dishes, sweeping and mopping the kitchen, sweeping the living room and my bedroom, canceling my cable service in favor of better service from a new company, and taking the garbage out. I never want to start cleaning, but always draw great satisfaction from doing it once I get started.
  • the Mamma Mia movie soundtrack (an itunes purchase this morning) playing LOUDLY in my house while I baked and cleaned.
  • singing along, and maybe even dancing (shock! horror!) a little to the aforementioned soundtrack, particularly "Mamma Mia" and "Dancing Queen" while cleaning and baking.
  • 2 dozen red roses, still hanging in there, in my bedroom
  • house plants
  • that the cable installation from the new company didn't take as long this morning as they warned me it might, thus effectively giving me a morning alone at home
  • a ring I bought in Lake Louise yesterday
  • a medal with Clare of Assisi around my neck on a pretty white gold chain
  • plans to spend the afternoon doing some more stuff that needs to be accomplished around my house, reading scripture, maybe taking a bath, and probably taking a nap.
  • bottled water
  • an emerald in my nose ring today