Sunday, August 24, 2008

Covered (trust in that)

I have had an awful lot of moments lately where I just want it all fixed. I want to wave some sort of magic wand and solve problems.

I see hurting friends and long for them to be filled with joy and peace.

I see illness, and long for healing.

I see those I love struggling, and long for the battle to cease, at least for a time.

I see broken relationships and long for restoration.

I see so many things, and long for them to be fixed.

And through it all, as I pray, I hear over and over again "my body broken, my blood shed"

And I pray again with Jesus in the garden, "if possible, let this cup pass, but not my will but yours be done."

And I work to remember that shed blood that covers all these longings of my heart. And to trust in the timing and promise of that.