Sunday, August 24, 2008


I had the chance to attend a very fun event last night. More importantly, I got the chance to have a long conversation with a relatively new friend. She's an awfully special person - one of few with whom I feel completely free to simply be who I am. Some of the things that I shared with her are things that have been greeted with a degree of shock or derision by other very dear friends. She took them in stride, understanding without me explaining why they were things that are uniquely suited to me, and to where my life and journey are at. I'm thankful for the conversation, and the hug we shared.

Today was an odd sort of day.

Time spent cleaning.

Some reading. Some writing.

Tea and conversation with a friend.


More reading.

And I'm currently sitting here watching Rob Bell teach that "Everything is Spiritual" while my roommate and I discuss our meal plan for the upcoming week, and while I begin to formulate a budget.

It's been a quiet, but oddly lonely day.

And tomorrow starts another week. At a job that is less than thrilling. My boss is out of town again. That means that the other managers will conveniently "forget" that I have a brain, and I'll likely do idiotic things all week.


At least next weekend is a long weekend.