Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Morning Thoughts

It's Monday morning again.

I nearly stayed home ill today. Not that I'm so much sick, as simply exhausted.

It's now been a week of waking at 3 am every morning. I sleep a bit after that, but never deep or restful sleep.

I'm struggling with being very sensitive to certain things again. It's playing out in some health matters, but also, I think in my sleep. I've had some rather terrifying dreams again lately - which, in combination with the minimal amount of sleep that I get, is a problem.

I'm fairly certain that sometime in the next month I will become a car owner. That will, at least, allow me to mostly eliminate the many "adventures" I have on the bus and train each week from my days.

I'm listening to Enter the Worship Circle Chair and Microphone Volume 3 this morning, which features my friend Karla Adolphe (of Jacob and Lily fame!). I'm needing to hear her words and prayers right now. I played this disc all day yesterday, and suspect I'll do the same today. Reminders of the nearness of Jesus even in the midst of the darker spaces.

Drew wrote a post about healing that I really liked. You can find it here.

And Claudia Mair Burney wrote a post that included a beautiful Ignatian prayer -the words of God to us. You can find that here.

I'm sipping tea. Fighting a headache. Working to make it through another day.

It's only Monday and I'm already anxious for the arrival of the weekend.

Ah well.

Here we go again!