Thursday, April 17, 2008

Trust and Thankfulness

I’m thinking a lot about trust lately. About how I’m not very good at trusting. At trusting people. At trusting God.

I’m very good at believing. Even at hoping. But I stink at trusting. And I’ve been trying to get a little better at. To do it in spite of fears. To figure out the little ways to make steps that indicate trust.

And then, I realized something this morning, as I was making a mental list of things I’m thankful for. For me to be thankful means I have to trust that someone or something has provided the things for which I’m thankful.

So, here’s my “smile list” for the moment, my list of things I’m trusting have been provided as blessings for me in the space I currently occupy:

A cup of passion tea
Half a glass of red wine while out with a friend last night
Emails and facebook messages from friends spread out across the country and globe
A sense of peace today that has been lacking the last while
Left-overs from dinner last night to be eaten for lunch
That my roommate will loan me her car so I can grocery shop tonight
Sermons preached by Sara Miles that I downloaded and listened to on the train this morning
David Crowder Band
Specifically the song “Come Awake”
A night that was a bit more restful
Feeling like I look “pretty” today
The scarf I’m wearing which my roommate brought from China
Comfy but cute shoes
Getting things accomplished from my pages long “to do” list at work
That I’m not feeling as sick today as I did yesterday
Plans to spend time with a few different friends this weekend
That there is only a day and half of work left in the week
Laughing with co-workers at coffee break
That in a little over two weeks I can eat chocolate and desserts again