Thursday, April 17, 2008


My plan for tonight is to rest. Maybe chat online or by phone with some friends. Maybe take a long bath later.

I'm eating dinner at the moment. Yes, it's a weird combo, but I like it. I made a huge bowl of fruit salad with mango, apple, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. I also made a pot of couscous (of the plain variety at the moment).

I'm actually rather proud of my ability to cook couscous. I know it's maybe the simplest thing around to cook, but it feels gourmet. And it tastes good. And, since I'm not a fan of rice, it's a nice break from pasta or potatoes in the starch category.

So, I'm eating fruit salad, and couscous.

I'm burning lavender scented candles in my bedroom.

I'm planning to read a novel, or listen to a podcast I'm working on downloading - an interview with my friends Karla and Caleb about their band "Jacob and Lily". I bought a magazine when I was at the grocery store earlier. I may just curl up in my chair, and page through a magazine while I listen to the podcast.

This is my kind of night. Low key. Full of things I love. Restful.


Tomorrow is casual day at the office, which always makes me happy!