Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Home Sick and Mice

I'm home from work today.

Praying that it's just exhaustion (from months of sleeping only 4 or 5 hours a night) and not a flu bug. Queasy, exhaustion, aching body, possibly fever.

I got up just long enough to send my office an email telling them I wasn't going to be able to come in today, then went back to bed and slept another three hours. Planning to take a nice long nap this afternoon as well.

Oh yes, and a mouse update.

After some maneuvering, Mom and I figured out how to arm the mousetraps yesterday afternoon. (Mom nearly broke her finger in the process - her fingers being notoriously fragile).

I put several traps around the house and set out to wait.



Maybe the mouse I saw was a figment of an overstressed imagination? I was involved in an intense conversation at the time.

If I don't catch anything for a couple more days, I'll patch a few holes in my closet wall (discovered upon emptying the closet) and put my belongings back in place, instead of them being strewn across my bedroom floor.