Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Wednesday Morning Smiles

Because it's Wednesday, 8:40 a.m., and the day already feels a bit crazy. Here it is... this week's edition of the things I love/that I'm thankful for/that are making me smile.

  • passion tea
  • that the Lord is speaking to my heart - even when it's in dreams and taking up part of my night's sleep
  • nature valley sweet & salty granola bar for breakfast
  • for friends that have aided and abbetted God as He's broadening my heart to the world
  • for not waking up cold this morning
  • for longjohns that let me survive the cold commute
  • for figuring out an inner pocket so that my ipod doesn't freeze and stop working on the commute
  • music that lifts my heart
  • "The Elf's Lament" by the Barenaked Ladies and featuring Michael Buble from the album "Barenaked for the Holidays". Makes me crack up every time I hear it (and I play it a lot). So completely intelligent and subversive and funny. My new favorite lines? "Full indentured servitude can reflect on one's attitude, but that silly red hat just makes the fat man look outrageous." and "I make toys but I've got aspirations." I've taken to quoting that second one in all of the moments when I'm tired and sarcastic and nervous and stressed and am lacking for other words... makes people stare at me oddly!
  • for a forecast that's supposed to get a bit warmer by the weekend
  • for a haircut scheduled for tomorrow night. six months is too long in between haircuts. my hair is too long, and completely unmangageable. 3 or so inches coming off tomorrow night baby!
  • for plans to hang out in the mountains with a dear friend for the day on Saturday.
  • for a presentation about Malta that went smoothly at church on Sunday.
  • for a level of relief from lingering dread that a conversation I had a few weeks ago stirred in me, and for the friend who saw clearly enough to pray for me when I described that conversation to her.
  • for finding the perfect ornament to add to my collection started by our parents, symbolizing something significant from each year of our lives. (and what, you ask, did I buy to symbolize this year? a dove. If you want to know what that symbolizes for me (and it's not peace!) you'll have to ask me!)
  • for the fact that I get to wear jeans to work every day this week because it's renewal season and I'm doing a lot more slightly dirty, up and down manual work.
  • for the time saved every morning in not having to pack a pair of dress pants to change into once I get to work - I commute in jeans - they're warmer than a thin pair of dress pants, and they take the beating from the snow and slop that exists in the winter season better to.
  • for mandarin oranges
  • for smoked gouda
  • for a working pair of headphones
  • for music from Jacob and Lily
  • for warmth and light