Sunday, December 09, 2007


I'm heading for bed. Or at least to read in bed.

I'm really tired. Weeks of sleeping only 4 or so hours most nights is catching up to me. Last night I stayed with some friends. I normally sleep well at their home for whatever reason - something I can't say about very many places. Last night wasn't unsettled, I just hardly slept.

I crashed for two hours on the couch this afternoon, and I'm still exhausted.

I did something to the muscles in my left shoulder and neck yesterday. They're painfully stiff. I'm laying with a magic bag draped behind me.

I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow. I feel guilty for dreading it, but I'm so done with the stress, and other's stress, and the negative emotions flying high, and having enough work for three people, when I'm only one person. I'm tired of being blamed for things that aren't my fault, and doing the work for a manager who has a staff, and for whom I don't even really work for.

I could use a week off.

This last while has been full of stressors. People stuff. Work stuff. Personal direction in life stuff. I could use a week where all that was on my agenda was laying on the beach with a really good book. Or laying on my couch with a really good book. Or laying in a bathtub with a really good book. (are you catching the theme here?)

This week, however, remains busy. Full of all the stressors. So, I'm choosing to trust - that Jesus walks with me and shields me. That I will survive (and possibly thrive). I'm choosing to be thankful for the beautiful things, and to try not to carry the ugly ones with me.

And I'm going to bed early.

Good night!