Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday morning beauty

I'm really glad it's Friday. I'm rather desperately in need of a weekend to catch up on some things (including rest!).

I was thinking about the things that inspire me this morning - the things that challenge me to live more fully and deeply. The things that strike me as beautiful.

Lately, in the midst of crazy and often painful times, the Lord has gifted me with an ability to see something beautiful in even the most common and ugly moments.

So, in the spirit of lists, here are some things that are inspiring me lately:

  • morning train commutes. yes, I hate the general idea of public transit, but most days, the walk and train ride are times of deep quiet for me. times to think and pray, and listen to the words the Father is speaking to my heart for the day.
  • some beautiful sunsets
  • an unexpected email from a friend who I respect for living her dream, encouraging me as I pursue one of mine by heading for Malta next month
  • twinkle lights strung around the trees at Olympic plaza
  • music from Jacob and Lily
  • emails from various friends
  • great writing - in various forms - on a television show I've been watching on dvd (Sports Night) - in a book I've been reading (Eat, Pray, Love)
  • Christmas lights on my tree
  • lit candles in my living room
  • hanging out with some of my youth kids who are artists and seeing the world a little through their eyes
  • anything that makes me laugh

These are only some of things, but they're the ones that spring immediately to mind this morning - the ones I'm choosing to focus on today.

I'm really glad it's Friday. I need the weekend, but in the eight hours between now and when the weekend begins, I'm going to try and remember the places I see beauty, and live in that space.