Friday, December 14, 2007

tea and plans

I'm sitting crosslegged on the desk chair in my bedroom, staring at my laptop screen propped on the desk in front of me, and sipping a tall mug of vanilla rooibos tea. (I happen to think that tea should be made in large mugs - not tiny cups. Why do you get coffee in such a large quantity, but tea, which is equally, or in my opinion more, delicious, comes in a tiny cup? I make my tea in tall mugs that I can cradle with both hands, savoring the smell and the warmth of the mug in my hands.)

This has been a pretty good day.

Work was uneventful for a change - almost peaceful. We accomplished a major goal, and to celebrate, our manager let most of us leave an hour and a half early.

I took the bus home, enjoying the quiet and seeing the sun. I've been arriving at work as the sun is still rising, and leaving as it begins to set each day, so it was nice to see it for an hour or so on the bus. I read a bit more of "Eat, Pray, Love" and a bit more of the novel I'm currently working my way through. I daydreamed, and dozed against the window for a while.

On my way home I stopped at the mall. I was on a mission to replace some jeans. I discovered this week that both my favorite and second favorite pairs of jeans had holes in the same inopportune location. So I went to the store where I bought my favorite jeans, and bought another pair, as well as a different pair, which I also loved.

Bought a few more things at a couple of other locations in the mall before heading home... things that make me feel pretty...

I'm feeling peaceful tonight. Anticipating a weekend where I've plans to pretty much (with a few exceptions) do only the things I find life-giving and restful.

I'm wearing new clothes, and that's always fun.

I'm debating the merits of making a late dinner, but thinking I'm not that hungry.

I'm going to the farmer's market in the morning. I'm sure I'll buy beautiful ingredients and feel inspired to cook.

On Sunday I'm going to my favorite tea shop in a funky, artsy neighborhood near downtown. One of my favorite places to wander, though I don't get there nearly often enough.

I love the places like the farmer's market and this neighborhood that inspire the artistic parts of my soul. The bohemian, hippie part of me feels awakened in those sorts of places - places full of color and beauty and truly interesting people. I feel a bit more alive, a bit more myself, and like there's someplace I fit in those spots.

I'm going to read and clean, and watch movies for the rest of the evening and most of the day tomorrow. I'm going to make a thank you card for someone, and light candles and spend time praying. I'm going to restore order in my bedroom - turn it back into my peaceful retreat instead of the disaster zone it's become over these last two exhausting weeks. I'm going to make some lists - things I need to do, things I have to take care of before travelling. I may do the recycling, or go somewhere to take photos. I'm probably going to cook something lovely, though it's certainly more fun to cook when there's someone else to cook for... I might bake lemon shortbread, with this tangy lemon icing - my brothers hate it, and it's actually not my favorite either, but everyone else I've ever shared them with loves it - I'll take it to work, and to the church cookie buffet on the 23rd. I'll put some out for our Christmas eve finger food feast, and give some to my dad, because he really likes it.

I'm going to embrace the earthy, practical, sometimes artsy parts of me this weekend.

I'm going to phone my brothers and see what they think about an idea I had for a Christmas gift for our parents.

I'm probably going to go to the library.

I may go to church Sunday morning, or I may sleep in and cherish a morning with no commitments.

I'm going to keep drinking tea.

Good night!