Monday, October 08, 2007

Taking my own advice...

A year or two ago, I started making what I call "smile lists". A mental health professional I heard speak mentioned that making a list of thinks that you're grateful for performs approximately the same change in brain chemistry as taking a mild dose of an anti-depressant.

And the thing is, it actually seems to work.

I'm feeling down today, so it's time to make a list of things that I'm grateful for - things that are making me smile today....

  • a warm blanket to curl up under on my couch
  • an email that radiates joy from a friend who has just arrived in Paris
  • the prospect of possibly walking in the rain along Fish Creek later
  • the photo of Paris on my living room wall
  • an ongoing facebook conversation with a dear friend
  • gifts to put in the mail for a variety of friends
  • wool socks that aren't itchy
  • "Here by the Water" on Steve Bell's Symphony Sessions album
  • plans for a tea date with a friend tomorrow night
  • a new book to read - the autobiography of George Muller
  • plans to cook a nice dinner later today
  • smoked gouda in my fridge
and with that, I think I'm going to make a phone call, and then head for Starbucks and the park.


Anonymous said...

love the smile list...
makes me smile too.


Anonymous said...

Wow , it really worked great idea

Really loving reading your blog
