Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday night...

A friend paid my home the highest compliment I could ever ask for the other night. A friend with a great deal of spiritual discernment. She said, "I like your house. It's peaceful. I feel the Lord's presence here." That's been my prayer for this place since we moved in... That Jesus would be present in my home to all those who enter it.

I hadn't really thought about that comment until I walked into my front door tonight.

There's something about atmosphere that either adds clarity or confusion. I've been really sensitive to the spiritual atmosphere in various places lately - it's a new thing for me, and is taking some getting used to. I've also been picking up the emotions of other people - beginning to feel them. I sort of tend to forget that these things have been affecting me because it's so new...

I walked in my front door tonight, and my whole mood changed.

I realized quite suddenly that some of the things that made my day feel completely miserable, were not actually mine... some of the hopeless and despair, the anger and frustration that had descended belonged to some of the people I work with, and to the atmosphere. So I spent a large portion of my day, exhausted, frustrated, angry, fighting off things that weren't even mine.

Let's just say that I'm really, really glad to be home for the evening.

I rented several episodes of "Studio Sixty on the Sunset Strip". I love Aaron Sorkin's writing. I love his idealistic characters. I love the fast and witty dialogue.

I have books nearby - approximately the same titles I listed in my post last night. I've lit candles, I'm going to make tea pretty soon. I'm going to eat a mandarin, and I'm going to rest for an evening.