Monday, February 19, 2007


I taught Sunday school for the first time yesterday. We talked about fasting, about Lent and preparing our hearts to celebrate the deliverance of Christ. I don't know what they heard, of if they heard anything I said. I hope so.

Hung out with Andy and some of the other UM people last night, and had some great food and conversation. May have to make something of this sort a more regular occurrence in my life.

I fasted today, though I broke the fast earlier than planned to eat dinner with my family and some guests. I don't want to be religious about this, and I felt that it was the right thing to join them in eating. I just want to work to be conscious of my diet, conscious of setting aside significant portions of time in this season of life to seek the heart of the Father.

Since the call to see justice at work has been growing in my heart, I am focusing some of my lenten reading on this topic. Reading stuff by Romero, Buechner, Dorothy Day, Tony Campolo, Mother Teresa, Che Guevara and others.

I still find myself quite exhausted. Sleep remains quite elusive and disturbed. Dreams, and lots of times of wakefulness. Still wondering how to weed the God things from the other in my disturbances of sleep.

I've begun to ask God once again for rest to come. Hopefully that comes in the form of sleep, but I would like it to also come in a sense of peace and quietness within the deep places. I would like to have the energy and focus that comes from that sort of restoration.

The words vulnerability and humility have been brought up quite regularly in my life lately, by a whole wide variety of friends and voices. I'm asking God for the strength to live these out.

And with that, I think I'm going to read in bed. (Which you should read as, "I'm completely exhausted, and I'm going to read until I start falling asleep - which should take about ten minutes!" If only the sleep would last!)

Back to work tomorrow. I'm glad for a short week.