Saturday, February 17, 2007


I'm tired tonight. You know it's been a stretch of not sleeping well when you startle yourself awake at 7:00 am on a Saturday and think "Thank God it's 7:00," with a great deal of sincerity in that muttered prayer. What I mean is, "Thank God I slept until 7:00 before startling awake, as it's been 2, 3, or 4 am for most of the last week or two."

There are some emotional things weighing a bit on me.

I'm wondering if the Sunday school lesson I spent a good chunk of today preparing will connect with the youth I'm teaching it to tomorrow morning.

I'm tired of this season of my life. It's been hard, and to some extent I'm tired of the fight. I'm feeling whiny, and possibly a little bit sorry for myself.

I'm also still waiting to see what God is doing next. (Though I found a very interesting option for this coming summer for improving both writing, faith, and entering some post-graduate studies via a series of web links tonight. Working to get a bit more information before I become less cryptic.)

Abba, I belong to You. Remind me of that in these moments of exhaustion when it would be so easy to just quit fighting. I belong to You. Show me where you're working and how I can join you.