Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dulled and heightened

I’m fuzzy this morning.

Seems exhaustion has heightened some senses and dulled others. I am finely attuned to the spiritual at the moment. I hear and sense things that I do not normally. I feel deeply the presence of Christ, and also the ongoing attacks of the enemy. The dreams are relentless, though I’m retaining fewer of them lately. I wake each morning several hours before my alarm from a deep sleep, and then sleep again, but I dream, toss and turn, and am generally restless.

At the same time, I feel physically and mentally dull and listless. That sense where concentration seems just beyond your grasp, your head feels cloudy, and all you really want to do is crawl back into bed.

I think I’m getting sick, too. I’ve been fighting a bit of a head cold, and it seems to be getting a bit worse just presently. Other indications include a complete inability to warm my extremities – my fingers and toes are constantly cold, and even my core feels chilled.

The longings of my heart are being pulled incessantly lower. To community. To justice. To the broken, the vulnerable, the humble. I am learning what a large risk it is to live in a truly vulnerable way. The cry of my heart is for ever increasing freedom.