Saturday, February 24, 2007

Good Day

I've had one of those days where you hit the evening and mostly feel satisfied.

I like those days - the ones where the sense of accomplishment is strong.

I did laundry, swept my floor, caught up on a number of little things.

I wrote and taught a Bible study that seemed to go okay.

I've watched Joan of Arcadia and done a little bit of shopping.

I drove Megs to the airport, and managed to pull her car into our driveway for the next few days without major incident.

I took a long, hot bath.

I've read a book.

I slept in (kind of - sleep remains a somewhat elusive thing).

I drank water and ate some comfort foods.

I did a piece of writing that's been bothering me all week.

I sent a few emails.

I hung out with one of my youth girls for a little while.

I like the days when all the little things come together and create happiness.

Thanks, Jesus, for the little days.