Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday night musings

I have a job interview first thing tomorrow morning. At a laser eye surgery clinic. It would pay really well. In fact, enough that moving out of my parent's home would become a viable possibility. And I would have benefits. I'm praying that the interview goes well and that I get the job.

To those of you who were wondering how work went these last two days, given how difficult it was last week, it was like a polar opposite sort of situation. Yesterday was very smooth... I spent a lot of time working on projects by myself, and simply worshipping God, humming and whistling, and meditating on the words of the songs I was so happily humming and whistling. It was almost pleasant to be there. Today was not quite as smooth - but again, I was mostly on my own, or training a new girl. I really enjoyed working with her - she's definitely a people person which will fit well in our job - introducing herself left and right, not shy. We shared a one hour dinner break, and talked about our lives. We even talked about things like sex (I'm waiting for marriage, and she's living with her boyfriend of five years), and faith. Not your usual first day conversations, but she initiated, and I was comfortable answering. Faith came up somehow, and she asked what "religion" I was, and I answered, and she made a statement that surprised me a little. She said "I'm a very spiritual person." Huh. Cool. I'm praying that I'll get a job soon and won't work at The Bay with this girl that much longer, but I'm also asking God for opportunities to talk more deeply about spiritual things with her in the time that I remain at the job.

And with that I'm off to do a bit of reading and head for bed. Job interview in the morning, and then a hair appointment - I'm getting hilites and lowlites put in and I'm very excited!