Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Untitled... because I can't think of a good title

I'm off to work in about an hour and a half. To be honest, I'm dreading it a little bit. I only work two shifts this week - today and tomorrow, but both are with my least favorite coworker.

But that's only part of why I'm dreading it. I'm dreading it because of the spiritual attack I faced in that place last week, and I'm wondering if I will continue to face it. When I spoke in earlier posts about the "heaviness" that settled over me as I entered the store, I was understating. I haven't felt that low, that worthless, that frustrated, exhausted and confused since the deepest parts of the depression from which God healed me. And when I would come out of the store and head home to regroup, it took quite a while for the residual effects to fall off.

And so, I'm going into these next two days with much prayer for my own protection, my ability to fight through the darkness. I'm planning to spend part of each of these shifts praying - whatever moments I can get alone, without things that need my entire concentration. And I'm asking God to make it smoother and easier, to guide my steps, to speak into my heart, to show me where He's working.