Friday, June 16, 2006

Just for a moment

If you'll indulge me for one post, I'm going to be completely girly and vain. I LOVE my new hair colors. Yes, colors, plural. My hairstylist did a fantastic job, that was worth every penny of the rather pricy fee that I paid.

I now have what my dad referred to at dinner tonight as, "the tigress," while asking with some degree of incredulity, "is that red?"

And I love it! Blond and a deep coppery red streak my naturally brown hair and jump out to make something truly different and fun.

I love these moments when I feel really girly, and really good about my physical appearance. Just a minute ago I was wishing I knew some single guys, because tonight, I'd love to dress up and take my hair out for a spin. So, if you feel like going out tonight, give me a call!