Sunday, February 19, 2006

Not Much Is New

I haven't posted in a few days again. It's because my life continues in a vein of very private wrestles. I've been writing, but not things that can ever appear here. Things that have dealt with the very personal struggles some friends are facing, and my response to those struggles. Things that have dealt with my own very personal wounds - wounds that are not yet in a place of healing or recovery that will allow them to be exposed to the broader world.

I've been quite sick again. I mean, really, it was mid October when I first got sick. And I've been ill pretty much constantly since then. This time it's a full blown cold that has settled in my throat and chest, leaving me coughing and hacking constantly. I'm drinking ridiculous amounts of water to keep my throat from drying out and making the coughing worse. It's just one of those things. Last night I had a fairly high fever, and chills and all the fun stuff that goes with it. No one ever told me how hard it is to be sick for months at a time. I'm getting pretty tired of it. I just want to feel good again - to be able to go out with friends and not have to think about whether I'm physically up to staying out late, to being outside for a prolonged time, that kind of thing.

Okay, now that I've had my whining moment, let me go on to say that there have been pocket of grace moments in this week. Moments when God's presence as I spoke and ministered was undeniable. And that makes everything worthwhile!


Hope said...

Lisa, just know that even though I am not commenting on all your posts I am reading it all. You are blessed to be so aware at your age. You are more mature than I was at 35. Keep up your courage.

Lisa said...

Hope, thanks for reading! And for the compliment. It came at a good time. I just came in from a long conversation with a very close friend, and was telling him how frustrated, ill-equipped and unaware I've been feeling lately as I've waded into caring for the very messy and complicated lives of the people God has placed in my path.