Tuesday, August 30, 2005


In case you hadn't figured it out from several of my previous posts, I am somewhat of a list fanatic. I will attempt many things, as long as they are on my list for the day. I make mental lists. I plan my day, and what I'm going to pack for trips in lists. Lists are my attempt at controlling the uncontrollable. Most days it doesn't matter if I stick to them too closely, as long as they are there, giving me the comfort and security of knowing that I at least attempted to plan my day!

And so, today on my first day off in a while, I have a list of what I need to do (and the rationale in my head as to why I need to do them):
  • pick up the book that is waiting for me on hold at the Library
  • finish organizing bedroom - I now have all my furniture, and my parents are getting restless about the boxes of things still living on my floor.
  • put the things I'm storing for right now up into the garage attic - dad is getting annoyed and wants his floor space back for work
  • pick the raspberries and strawberries - mom comes home tomorrow and dad is covering the bases with whoever happens to be around when the idea occurs
  • clean the bathroom - same logic as the raspberries, but also one of my usual weekly chores
  • make phone calls - there are some people I need to catch up with.
  • spend time writing - I've been putting it off for a week, and I think I need to vent. The tears that bubbled out of my while I watched a movie last night, and read a novel start to finish in one sitting until 2am are probably a good indicator that I need the release of writing down some things that have percolated for a week or so.

With all that listed, it's time to go get started. I'll change out of my pajamas and head into my day.