Saturday, September 03, 2005

Relational Highs and Lows

I've had a bit of a crazy week in terms of the relationships of people around me. Some very high highs, and some very low lows. It always fascinates me, the way relationships can be like that.

I've watched a friend struggle as a member of her immediate family is slowly dieing. She has been in pain, in hiding, wondering where God is and why this is happening. I thought about her all week, prayed for God to intervene, for her to know God's peace. I've winced internally everytime I thought of her, of what she's going through. I've longed to make it better.

Then, tonight, I celebrated with a different close friend. A week ago she celebrated o­ne year of dating a fantastic guy. Tonight, she celebrated her engagement to that same guy. It has been a priviledge to watch their relationship grow - to watch them love God, and love each other, to watch him care for her, protect her, support her. I screamed when she called and told me (a fact my mother finds infinitely funny). I was supposed to spend the day with her today, but she called me late last night to cancel - her boyfriend needed to spend time with o­nly her. I told them at the party that this is o­ne of the few acceptable reasons for ditching me for a day. I couldn't be happier for them.

And so, Jesus, tonight my prayers are somewhat bipolar. Lift my friend from the darkness. Heal the wounds in her life. Heal her family member's illness. Pour your peace o­n her life. And, Jesus, bless my other friends' engagement and marriage. Pour out every good thing o­n their lives together. May they know you deeply both personally and corporately as they prepare over the next months to join their lives. Thank you, Jesus, for friends. Thank you for the depth of relationship that allows me to share in their pain and in their joy. Thank you for making the world a relational place. Thank you for being a relational God.