Sunday, March 06, 2011

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

Quite honestly, I'm embedding this video as part of a contest to win a free paperback copy of Donald Miller's book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.

That said, I think the message of the video, and more importantly, the message of the book (available here on Amazon - and no I don't get any compensation for linking to it, other than maybe winning a paperback copy), is a really important one.  Last year my "one little word" was Story, inspired by this book.  Honestly, I think it's become the one word that will influence all of the one little words to come, and some of the reasons why were in this book, which I read at just the right time in my life, in a moment when my life needed some editing and rewriting.  So, I'm sharing the video with all of you!

Go buy the book - you'll be doing yourselves a favor!

What story are you telling? from Rhetorik Creative on Vimeo.


Miss said...

OOh, I will study. I came to Blue Like Jazz very late, but enjoyed it very much. Haven't read this one yet but enjoy his blog very much.
What a catch, too!

Miss said...

Me again! Interesting to think about the concept of control, what we want, struggle etc.

We're lucky in the Western developed world that some of what happens to us is within our control - but of course, not everyone in the West is so lucky, if they are struggling with ill-health, lack of educational opportunities, lack of loving family and friends and other supports. And in the developed world, where the struggles are basic and life and death... well, what control do they have?

I look forward to reading the book - even tho' I'm meant to be on a savings spree!

I noticed in the clip a Powell's shop. Another blog I read refers to Powell's in Portland OR. I'd love to visit that city sometime, too!

What do we do to help you win the book? Click through to Amazon?

Lisa said...

Good thoughts on control.

And yes, I'd love to visit Powell's and Portland as well :)

I think all I have to do to win is be one of the first thirty to post the video, so, fingers crossed :)