Thursday, February 03, 2011

Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 171

Today's Daily 5:
  1. blog comments exchanges on other blogs - I love when there is a reply to a comment I've left
  2. a lazy morning on a day with no classes
  3. breakfast in bed
  4. my neck pillow
  5. the sweet smell of my favorite fabric softener on a clean hoodie
  6. skyping with L this afternoon
  7. laughing. hard.  so good to have a friend to laugh with.
  8. an unexpected chance to accomplish an errand
  9. cooking a new recipe with some of my favorite music playing (little bit of Kristene Mueller, David Crowder Band, Sara Groves, Kim Walker, Amanda Falk, Karla Adolphe)
  10. working on a scrapbook page for my one little word - managed to mostly finish January, now on to February