Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thinking About Friends

I'm thinking about friends this morning, some blogging buddies, and some "in real life" friends, and praying for them as I ride the bus.

About Ian, a blog acquaintance by chance, whose posts I always look forward to. He and his wife are walking some dark valleys in these days, and I find them often on my mind and in my prayers.

About Lois, who I still always want to refer to as Lovely, since that was the blog pseudonym she used when we first became online acquaintances. She is ending the year by counting joys and giving thanks, and I am loving her thanksgiving and joy lists.

About Jenny, a regular "anonymous" commenter here, who always signs her name.  I was praying for her this morning, too, for an Advent that is full and rich, and a Christmas season that is joyful.

About Karla Adolphe, my real life friend.  Karla and her husband Gary have been friends for a while, and I was delighted to get the news yesterday that Karla has teamed up with another musician (Aaron Strumpel) to record a new album.  You can see some footage of the two of them performing together live here.  And you can support and follow the progress of the new album here.  Karla's music has often been uniquely used by God in my life, and I'm always excited when there is more music forthcoming!
There are so many others on my mind and heart too.  And so I spent the bus trip this morning, with Karla's music playing quietly on my ipod, praying.  May God be near each of you and supply you with immense hope and joy in this day and this season!


lois said...

Ah Lisa, this has really touched me and blessed me :-)

A very heartfelt *thank you* for praying for me today.

Blessings and joy to you this season!

Jenny said...

Thank you Lisa, for your prayers, It was a better day. Thank you for all that you share here.

God bless you and your family with peace and joy and love.


Lisa said...

Much love to both of you! Blessings to you each as well!


Jenny said...
