Saturday, October 09, 2010

Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 55

Today's Daily 5:
  1. 1 year, 55 days of making these lists!
  2. cracking up while wandering around in the "farmstead" section of the historical village I visited with mom's cousin today, and hearing a sudden yelp of "Oh my god" and looking up to see a young man about my age who'd obviously been caring for the pigs in the pen, sprinting for the gate.  Clearly he'd managed to inadvertently aggravate the pigs, and there were about six of them chasing after him.  It was hilarious!
  3. spending a bit more time with mom's cousin
  4. making an impromptu trip to Ikea to stock up on candles and buy frames for a few art pieces
  5. eating potstickers for lunch, and dipping them in sweet chili sauce
  6. The smell of the old fashioned bakery at the historical village
  7. wandering through the village with mom's cousin, and talking history (basically, letting the geek in me out to play!)
  8. having an iphone to have easy access to some many things
  9. I can now add to my list of experiences that I have literally had a pair of earrings cut out of my ears with a wire cutter by my dad.  That whole scenario made me laugh too.
  10. Talking movies and books over dinner


Anonymous said...

I will have nightmares about #9. I have a strange phobia of earrings getting stuck in my ears (or the backs getting stuck on my earrings is maybe the more accurate thing to say, resulting in needing to have them cut off). That's a story I need to NOT hear more details of. ha ha.

Glad you got some more time with M and that the history geek in your enjoyed your day seeing historical villages and pigs and "stuffs" ;-) (I'll have to tell you more of my historical village story sometime! Hee, hee)

Lisa said...

oops, didn't mean to cause nightmares! lol

and yes, I want to hear more about the "stuffs" sometime!