Thursday, September 23, 2010

Daily 5 - Year 2, Day 39

Today's Daily 5:
  1. getting a link by email from a friend, full of info I'll need to pursue getting some citizenship paperwork taken care of
  2. Almond Joy bars (why do I live in a country where this little bit of heaven is not easily available?  it's always so good to have them again after a trip to the states where I can stock up a bit!)
  3. laughing with friends at house church
  4. nacho cheese and corn chips
  5. Harvey's burger
  6. reading funny greeting cards at the card shop
  7. pausing to consider that I have friends near and far praying for me
  8. taking the morning really, really slow
  9. feeling relatively content and peaceful, despite some really challenging realities
  10. a friend reminding me that "I'm worth it."


Anonymous said...

Working on #1 would help rectify #2 ;-)

Lisa said...

lol... ya, ya... as soon as I'm done school, man, I'm moving to the land of palm trees for a while :)

Anonymous said...


P.S. The "guinea" in your little search box is my fault...I was trying to find the original post to link in my post tomorrow. Hee, hee.

Lisa said...

too funny about the "guinea". did you find it?

Anonymous said...

yup - will have it linked in the next post!