Monday, March 29, 2010


Emotions seem to come in waves at the moment.

They came that way all weekend.






I received some very unsettling news on Friday evening, and a clarification (sort of) of that news on Saturday.  News that will likely have a drastic impact on my life in coming days.  I can't share it yet, but will as it becomes more clear.

This morning I'm feeling a bit tossed around by the waves.

Last night there was deep compassion for some of those involved.

Today there is anger, that all of this can be happening in the first place.  That things have come to this.

And so, I pray and wait.

I try to let the more positive waves carry me, and push the dark and heavy ones far from me.

And even in this I choose.

And in these moments when I again really feel as if I'm sinking, I remember the quote from Kelle Hampton that I posted on the weekend, "Every time I begin to sink, I remind myself that I am a rockstar. And rockstars know that life is beautiful. Life has challenges. Life teaches you things. And life is all how you look at it." (Kelle Hampton)

I'm a rockstar.

I can do even this.