Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Grey Skies and Evening Thoughts

It was supposed to be 10 degrees above zero today.  As I write it's -2 C and incredibly foggy, with the possibility of snow.  They're saying we'll still make 7C, but I'm thinking "they" are overly optimistic.

Something about grey days tends to make me exhausted, distracted, reflective.

I'm thinking about lists.

About plans for tonight.

If I can stave off Grandma, I think I'll do some of the following:
  • Eat a hamburger for supper, with some grapes most likely.
  • yoga, for the first time since my accident.  I've missed the simple routine of stretching and breathing.
  • catch up on my online television viewing
  • check the lane swim schedule for the city pool that's only a block from where Grandma lives (it's still so weird to think that that is also where I live)
  • do a bit of reading.  I recently joined a program with a Christian book publisher that will send you copies of their books for free if you agree to post a review of the book on your blog.  I'm having a bit of trouble making much headway through the first book I requested, and needing to schedule time to work on it.
  • send emails to some friends.
  • update my budget (I know, doesn't sound exciting, but I'm looking forward to it.)
  • see if I can formulate a grocery list for a shopping trip on the weekend
  • write a going away card for my former roommate, and text message her to confirm our plans to hang out tomorrow night.
  • download a new version of Paul Brandt's "Canadian Man"
  • write a letter to my internet provider politely expressing my displeasure at the service I received over the course of this move
  • finish putting my books on their shelves
  • move some boxes around, sorting out furniture and other items.
  • fold the laundry I did last night.
  • see if I can find a few candles in the boxes of stuff that's still packed, and light them.
Looking at this list actually makes me look forward to my evening, and that's saying something given that yesterday I admitted to my mom that it was actually easier to be at work than at "home" (grandma's) right now!