Sunday, December 20, 2009

Daily 5 - Day 130

Today's Daily "5"
  1. Visiting the gorillas early this morning, and watching as they ate and played
  2. watching the hippos eat breakfast and then sort of waddle and ease themselves back into their pool. So funny.
  3. Enjoying T's girlfriend leading worship at church this morning.
  4. Enjoying the choir from the church, with T conducting, both at church and at a nursing home this afternoon
  5. One more baking job finished. Only two or three to go, and then packaging all the goodies up.
  6. time with family today
  7. finding time to journal and somewhat release the dream that I woke from this morning
  8. lighting the 4th advent candle, and pondering love and friendships all day.
  9. an encouraging note about my weekly photos on facebook of my advent wreath from someone I've known most of my life
  10. being genuinely greeted by a number of people at church this morning. it's not always the case at that church - that I am able to relax and and not feel pressure to perform, but today it was nice to be welcomed by a few people.