Monday, October 19, 2009

In the airport...

I'm sitting in the Toronto airport, waiting to head home.

I'm exhausted, and I'm really excited to collapse in my own bed tonight. Actually, I'm excited for a bed. I slept on some pretty comfortable couches for the last 10 days, but I'm excited to be in a bed with a bit more space to roll around.

It was a good trip. Tiring, but good. I'm planning to sleep for most of the flight home. Or at least hoping for that.

I'm so incredibly grateful for the time with friends, particularly the last couple of days with a very dear friend. I'm thankful for hugs and laughter and much needed conversations and prayer.

It was really hard to say goodbye this morning. The circumstances that have conspired to let us be in each other's presence regularly have changed, and it was harder than usual to say goodbye knowing that there is a good possibility that it will be quite some time before I get to be in her presence and share hugs with her again. I'm thankful for email and other methods of contact, but goodbye was hard, because it was so lovely to spend time with her again, to share hugs, and laughter at really ridiculous things. To go to church together and pray together. To be with one who knows my heart well, and demonstrates that in little ways that are so meaningful to me that I don't quite have words to describe them.

I'll be back to writing daily 5 lists (and post the ones to catch up for the time I've been away) sometime in the next day or two.

I'm headed home now. I'm grateful for the time away, but at this moment, I'll be grateful to be home as well.