Monday, August 17, 2009

Daily 5 - Day 6

Today was a much more challenging day. Very hard to find the positive things. Very hard to find smiles and joy. And very, very long. So, instead of having time to write about yesterday, or taking time to write about today, I'm going to put both of those things off for another day or two, and go to bed.

But, first, today's daily 5:
  1. Blackberries from the farmer's market
  2. Mexican food for dinner
  3. the company of a long time friend and lots of laughs
  4. listening to a sermon driving home, while desperately in need of some encouragement and finding it there
  5. wearing "hope" that a friend mailed to me recently around my neck all day (and receiving a few compliments on it, and the earrings that match it.)


Anonymous said...

Glad the "hope" helped :-)

And yes to your question about it!

Hugs, friend!

Hope said...

Of course now I want a picture of said jewelry. :)

Lisa said...

I'll take a picture when I get a chance... Seems that it is handmade hope from a friend :)