Sunday, July 05, 2009


T. snapped this photo of me just after the wedding yesterday. I was cranky with him for deliberately trying to take a bad photo of me, but I did have to laugh once I saw the photo. It's definitely a classic "disgusted Lisa" expression! And oh, I did laugh!


Anonymous said...

Leave it to brothers! :-)

Great photos from the wedding!

I'm glad the scarf arrived! There's one more little thing to keep your eyes opened for (or that your parents should)...sent it last Monday I think from here, and so will probably be there early this week!

Off to continue working on my verses and enjoy the quiet before the gang gets back and I have my last day and a half with them before training it back to Munich!


Jenny said...

This post came up in the "you might also like" section of the post I just commented on.
I realise I've not met you in person, but I like this photo!

Also, I've just chosen my first pair of glasses, so I am looking at the glasses people wear with new interest. These, may I say, are fantastic glasses, and really suit you!


Lisa said...

Jenny - those glasses are my favorite, and still the pair I wear most often. And, I don't mind this photo, it mostly makes me laugh :)