Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mountains Again

It's funny, you know.

I'm going to the mountains today, and I've been looking forward to this for a few weeks.

But today, after the week I've had, it's the last place in the world that I want to be.

I'm not looking forward to all the driving (which I have to do because of the vehicle we're taking), or to being in the places I'm going to. Quite frankly I'd like to stay at home, hole up alone in my bedroom and cry.

The girls I'm going with know me well, and I don't have to totally hide my headspace. But there is a certain need to be "on". To have energy. To be into conversation instead of needing to process quietly in my own head.

I'm praying for the energy and ability to enjoy this day.

Because at the moment, I'm dreading it.