Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Switching It Up

I've spent part of the evening contemplating ways to find things I really love and enjoy again.

And ways to switch up my routine a little bit.

One of the things I came up with is audio books. I used to love listening to audio books. I'd play them all the time while I was cleaning, cooking, driving, taking the train, or whatever. That stopped somewhere along the way.

So, tonight, I went online, and, borrowing suggestions from two separate friends, purchased two audio books to listen to for the next little while.

One more serious, and one more lighthearted.

I've been needing lighthearted, and the more serious one comes rather highly (and perhaps pointedly) recommended.

I've been listening to a bit of the more lighthearted one, while I did some work online tonight, and quite thoroughly enjoying it. I'm sure at some point it'll become the subject for a future post.

And the more serious one I'll tackle sometime in the next few days. Maybe I'll go for a drive in the mountains on the weekend, and listen then. Or maybe I'll let the truths it contains play over me while I sleep at night (while of course planning to listen to it awake as well!)


Anonymous said...

So what are they? Do I really have to wait for the "reviews" Ha ha.

I'm on to Honeymoon in Tehran (somehow appropriate given the theme of my art pieces lately, no?)

Praying for you!