Saturday, March 14, 2009

Waiting for spring

Today has been a hard day emotionally. Caught in the midst of some difficult things. Waiting desperately for spring.

I spent the morning with my roommate, doing errands. We went for breakfast, then got groceries and did some shopping. It was a good time.

Then home.

I'm settled on the couch, watching a movie I've felt prompted and compelled to watch all week. "The Pianist" the story of a Polish composer and pianist, who was a Jew. I've only been watching for a few short minutes, but there are images that have already implanted themselves within me.

In a little while, I'm going to church. my brother is leading worship, and his choir is singing at a large local church tonight.

And tomorrow? Tomorrow my roommate and I are headed for the mountains. For a day of much needed rest.


Anonymous said...

Mmm - tomorrow sounds great!

I ended up with some needed rest and diversion last night (which led to not writing you back - I've been working on it all afternoon, though, so you'll have mail shortly!)

Enjoy your time of refreshing tomorrow. I'm praying for you, as always!

LP in CA