Saturday, March 21, 2009


It's been a full day.

sort of.

I haven't had much energy these days, so being out for several hours feels like a full day to me!

My roommate L. and I went to the farmer's market this morning, and then to a local mall. We followed that up with a quick trip to a craft shop, and a stop at two grocery stores. We're not good at doing errands quickly. We get distracted because we window shop for the same things. What should have been a couple of hours of errands took close to five!

But we did have fun.

Then we came home, and had lunch at 3:00 or so.

Following which I went back to bed. A couple hours of napping, and I was ready for dinner.

We'd picked up a roasted chicken earlier, and L. was generous enough to make roasted potatoes, yam and carrots, and we settled in for dinner.

A bit later we're going out to see a dance performance that a friend of mine is part of at the university tonight.

I need to write a proper post later. There are things I'm thinking about. But for the moment, I'm tired, and I need to get dressed nicely to watch a dance show!